
Showing posts from 2008

First Meeting - Tangency

Ms. Witham, Ms. Duncan. and myself met in Portable 17 for our first PLC meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 1st. We are teaching Juniors - regular, honors, and ESE. Immediately, our first order of business was to wonder what direction our school district expected us to take with this new group. So far we have had little instruction as to what will be required of the Junior teachers. We did recount our successes from last year's PLC. Since we are all teachers of some experience, we are generally following our school's plan for teaching Juniors from our Scope and Sequence. It was gratifying to see, as we shared, that we were teaching closely similar materials to our separate classes. We have been working chronologically through the Prentice-Hall Literature book( we have both been using P-H workbooks, but on different levels). In Writing, we have been reviewing the Writing Process and creating SAT appropriate essays. In Grammar, both groups have been reviewing the parts of speech. Neith